Saturday, March 21, 2009

Slowing Down To Realize The World Around Me

While taking Kaitlyn and Hailey to tonight's concert, I discovered that I was going to have to park at least 4 blocks away. I dropped the girls off and went to park the car. I briskly walked back to the Theatre and escorted the girls inside. I am not staying for tonight's show, simply because I was only on the guest list for two tickets. I think Kate will have more fun with a friend than just with me. So, I walk in, show my ID so they can get in, get a little surprise from the band (a free copy of their CD) and leave. My walk back to the car is a much slower pace. I walk down the same streets that brought me to the theatre. This time noticing little things. The older homes with neatly manicured lawns. Others that look like they have seen better days. The streets are lined with trees, little pink and white flower pedals cover the sidewalks. The sweet scent of cherry blossoms fill the air and it seems much quieter than it did a couple of minutes ago when I was hurried along. A couple walk by, all dressed in winter coats, her head leans against his shoulder and their arms are interlocked. A woman leaves her garage, puts her headphones on, jumps onto her bike and starts to sing as she rides down the road. And finally as I approach my car, I see a much older couple leaving for an apparent night out. Very nicely dressed and in good spirits. He says something as he opens the car door for her, she giggles and her face just lights up. He grins as if he knows 'he's still got it'.

It's amazing what we miss in life because we are always in such a hurry or we just don't bother to really look. When I reached my car I wished it were even further away so I could continue my walk. There must have been even more wonderful things to see.

“It is important from time to time to slow down, to go away by yourself, and simply be.” ~Eileen Caddy

“Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going to fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.”
Eddie Cantor