Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day......More importantly, it's my Mom's Birthday. :) Happy 59th Birthday, Mom. <3

I am discovering that each day really is different for me. One day I can be fine and the next I feel like I've taken four steps backwards. Today has been a normal, old self kinda day. I woke up early, thanks to Brenden. Got some lingering stuff done. Typical daily stuff, make beds, feed and dress the boys, etc. etc. Then we took a trip to Target to buy diapers. No issues what so ever. On out way to the car, I even decided that we should go next door and visit the pet store. So, Jeff and I took the boys in and looked at the different pets they had on display. Parrots, guinea pig, rat, mice, fish, snakes and of course, parakeets and finches. Oh and I must not forget the very cool, orange canaries. The boys were excited to see the different pets on display and it was fun watching them. Can't wait to take them back to the zoo. After dinner, I ventured back to the store, this time with Kaitlyn. We strolled around for about an hour before returning home. Again, no problems at all. It was great!! I really wanted to just go from place to place. I feel like I've locked myself up for so long, I've missed all kinds of things. Hopefully tomorrow I will still be ready to take adventures away from the house. But like I said, every day seems to be different. Overall, the entire day was great. I stayed in a great mood all day. Found myself laughing, having fun and completely free of any panic attacks, crying spurts, and having only one quick anger issue but quickly resolved it. Looking forward to more days like this.