Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Night With Phantom Planet....

Earlier this year I became a street team member for the record label Fueled By Ramen. I did this because my daughter loves the bands that are signed with them. I figured that if I became active as a street teamer, then she could reap the rewards from my work. Well, I really never thought I would be spending so much time doing what I do. I create web pages, post banners, advertise as much as I possibly can online before I hit the streets where I hang posters, hand out stickers and promote upcoming cd's and concerts. It's been alot of fun and I really just hope that she will someday look back on this time and think that just maybe I was a pretty cool Mom for doing stuff like this so she could have a little fun and possibly meet some of her favorite bands.

Fast forward to last night. We attended the Rocket Summer Tour at the Hawthorne Theatre. Featuring the bands, Rocket Summer, Phantom Planet, The Secret Handshake and The Morning Light. This would be the third time since June that we have gotten to see Phantom Planet perform. Well, after they hit the stage and performed their set we got to go hang out with them 'backstage'~which is the parking lot at Hawthorne. lol. Let me tell you, Kaitlyn was elated! We talked with each band member for quite awhile, got some autographs, took a few pictures and just hung out. These are really just a sweet group of guys that were very attentive to their fans.
We opted not to attend the 'after-party' at the Juniper Lounge because after all, it was a school night. ;) So, thanks to Phantom Planet and Luis Dubuc (The Secret Handshake) for making the night way cooler than just seeing a show and buying a t-shirt. Although I'm still working off the sugar rush from eating those VooDoo Doughnuts......uh. Here are a few pics:
Kaitlyn, Luis Dubuc and Amber (Kate's friend)

Alex Greenwald (Phantom Planet) and Kaitlyn