Sunday, May 25, 2008

I have come to realize............

That sometimes, okay, most of the time, I just need to let things go. What happens, happens and there's no point pondering what if or if only.

It's a lot of work to shoot for the stars when people are determined to knock the stars out of the sky before you can get to them. Just remember if you are able to catch a shooting're on fire!

Life is a lesson whether you want to learn it or not. Sometimes I feel like I'm failing the course. I'm hoping I've built up enough extra credits to pass in the end.

Laughter is more than the best medicine, sometimes it's the breath of life.

I should p-r-o-b-a-b-l-y be concerned that my youngest son constantly chases me with a sword while my oldest son watches and laughs. Disturbed, we are.

There's nothing quite like watching your child learn to walk. Each step an achievement, with the look of pure happiness on their face. So proud of themself yet amazed that they've learned to do such a huge thing. Why do we lose that feeling in life?

Every person has a superpower....mine happens to be, oh, wait, I can't tell you....maybe you can figure it out!

You are certainly as old or young as you feel. There are days when I feel 19 again but then wake up the next day suddenly 110.

It's the little moments in life that make the greatest memories. The key is paying attention to the details. On that note, live every day with the hopes of it becoming a great memory for someone when your gone. You'll be amazed at how that makes you feel.

Finally....I've come to realize that no matter how inspired I am, two little boys can quickly change my train of thought and what normally comes naturally can take hours. What was I saying???