Friday, March 21, 2008

Where life has taken me:

Looking back, I think of all the places I've been and people I've met. It's amazing what we experience in our lives and how we somehow let those experiences slip away. Moments that shape our character and we never realize it until later in life. Just thinking back on a few things like: High school, what seems like yesterday is more than 17 years ago. What was so important then is now forgotten but the friendships made are imprinted in my heart.... Packing my bag and driving across the country in the spur of a moment, just to see a boy :)....Lying in a hospital bed, trying to comprehend the fact that my life almost ended the night before....falling in love and knowing that this time, it's the real thing....getting a marriage proposal in the middle of the desert....being told that children were never going to be a possibility, then 2 years later hearing the first breath taken by my new baby girl~(miracles happen)....learning lessons of patience and love, when to let things go or what's really worth the fight. Finding that stressing out about little things will make you old before your time. Learning that if you just sit back and watch the world go by, you have no chance to make memories and will have no stories to tell about your life. Chase your dreams, make them a reality and in the end there will be no regrets about what could have been. You create your own destiny, make your own happiness..... Love those around you even if they choose not to love you in return. Yes, your heart will break but your life will change in a wonderful way and you'll find that yourself stronger for the next time around. Sometimes it's just a matter of timing. Either wait it out or move on but take the chance.

Now I watch as the world change before my eyes and each day brings something new. New lessons learned, taught by unexpected teachers, like my children or a stranger in a store. I look forward to the future. I have Daughter and two Sons. What will their lives bring to them to shape their character? Time will only tell, but I can't wait to share some of those moments with them!