Thursday, June 07, 2007

My little girl turned 13 today. Wow~where did that time go???? We went from trips to the park to trips to the mall and from Barbie dolls to digital cameras in what feel like months instead of years. Still, some things never change......she still doesn't like when people sing Happy Birthday to her, still wants to be in the pool as soon as May rolls around, whether its hot or not, still takes the bread off of a corn dog before she eats it and whether or not she'll admit it, she is still a Daddy's girl. My little girl is growing up. Soon we will be shopping for prom dresses and signing her up for drivers education. (sigh) And every day I can't believe how she's grown........almost taller than me, is incredibly beautiful (but fails to see it) has a sense of humor that most people should be jealous of and is thoughtful of others but is not afraid to defend herself when needed. (she can hit like a heavyweight!) So, Kaitlyn, when you read this, know that no matter what you do in life, no matter how bad you think things are, and no matter how old you get, you will always be my little girl, my miracle in life and my greatest achievement. You are a blessing that I certainly never thought I deserved but am so incredibly grateful to have. And I cannot imagine one day of my life without you in it. The past 13 years have been the greatest years written in my book of life and it's all because you're here. I love you, my little Katiebug!!!