Saturday, November 15, 2008

Eight days (and counting) of the sickies.

I'm currently under the weather. I have a chest cold and can feel the mucinex guy invading my lungs. Not just him but he has invited his whole damn family, their friends and even people they may or may not have gone to school with or have randomly passed on the street. And their little party is nonstop. Complete with a DJ and all you can eat buffet. Just for the record, I didn't invite these little freaks and no matter how much medicine I ingest, they are not going away but almost seem to enjoy it. Getting high off of my cough syrup and adding fuel to their fire. Ugg....cough.cough. Listen up Mucinex family....GET THE HELL OUT! Really, eight days is enough. I've got things to do and I don't want to be dragging you around with me. I'm tired of lying around, drinking hot tea, eating oatmeal, constantly coughing and hacking like a dog that's on it's last leg. ( So, time to move on, I'm done with you.

Tonight's dinner menu, just in case you were wondering. :)